This is a blog that contains the proyects about energies of the students of the class of 3ºESO B of IES Praia Barraña for the 3rd themathic week.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Types of energy

  • Mechanical: the mechanical energy is the sum of  kinetic and potential energies. Kinetic energy is the energy associated with the bodies that are in movement, it depends on the mass and the speed of the body.The potential energy is the energy that results from the position or configuration of the object.

  • Nuclear: the nuclear energy or atomic energy is the energy that is released spontaneously or artificially on the nuclear reactions.

  • Electric: the electric energy is the form of energy that will result of the existence of a potential diference between two points, situation that will permit establish an electrical current between both points if you place it in contact trought an electric conductor to obtain the mentioned work.

  • Radiant: the radiant energy is the energy possessed by the electromagnetic waves like the visible light, the radio waves, ultraviolet rays (UV), infrared rays (IR), etc.

  • Thermal: is known as thermal energy the energy released in form of heat, that is, it passes from a warmer body to other with less temperature.

  • Chemical: the chemical energy is the energy contained in molecules.