This is a blog that contains the proyects about energies of the students of the class of 3ºESO B of IES Praia Barraña for the 3rd themathic week.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Renewable energies

The renewable energies are those that are present in an unlimited form or that are regenerated. They are: solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, biomass and tydal. These energy sources are usually more clean than non renewable energies.The following slideshows explain these energy sources and how their power plants work:

Authors: Pablo Trasbach, Sonia Mª Romero, Antía Ramallo.

Authors: Álex Tubío, Sara Romero, María Blanco.

Authors: Eva Regades, Jorge Saavedra, Miranda Carou.

Authors: Jorge Hermo, Jorge Piñeiro, Catarina da Silva.

Authors: María Jacobs, María Gómez, David Triñanes.

Authors: Laura Pérez, Pablo Manuel Piñeiro, Sabela Martínez.